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    Boris Domantovsky
    Human (+ Dovicarus)

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    Artemis Eburi - Level 12

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    Name: Artemis Eburi
    Age: 28
    Race: Human with trace Dovicarus
    Hair Color: Dark Brown with some grays
    Eye Color: Piercing Blue
    Height: 5'8"
    Weight: 165 lbs
    Occupation: Blacksmith


    Artemis has a tendency to be friendly when engaged and certainly cares deeply for his friends. He is more willing to be himself, the person he was before the needless fallout with his father. After reconciling his past and reconnecting with his father, as well as meeting a few people in Knife's Edge who have become his good friends, he has found a place he can call home.

    However, due to his generally cautious nature he is very attentive and aware of his surroundings and others. He is suspicious but not to the extent of paranoia. After some of his difficult experiences with wars and the loss of many lives around him, he can become quiet at times and apathetic, almost shutting down when the memories crop up.

    He is still driven by a strong moral compass and aligns with the values of virtue. His sentient weapon, Judicis, aligns deeply with these values and helps Artemis stay on the righteous path. Though he does not do this out of spirituality or faith, it is his inherent to his nature.

    Though he doesn’t intend to, he exerts an aura of confidence and power. He is kind, though his gestures may sometimes be misinterpreted because they do not always fit into the social norm. He is known to admire craftsmanship of metalwork, blades in particular. His eyes sparkle when someone walks by with a fine blade. It is not a look of greed, simply one of admiration. He can often be found conversing with local smiths and is always available for helping others out. Though he does seem cold at times, he enjoys feeling helpful. These task range from putting up laundry or getting a kitten from a tree, to hunting and extermination missions.


    Artemis has well refined muscles though not bulky. His blue eyes are a piercing shade of blue as if his iris is constructed of ice itself. He wears a very dark blue full body leather armor that fits very snug and allows for fluid movements, and looks black unless light hits it perfectly. He also occasionally dons a black cloak when in towns, but mostly wears only his leather armor, which has an emblem located on the front and back that have become his mark of a smith. The hood is attached as an extra accessory to the robe. His face is scruffy, but he keeps his facial hair somewhat groomed – though rarely clean-shaven. His facial features are very handsome, and though women seem to be quite attracted to him, he does not seem to notice.

    After unlocking his magical potential, his eyes seem to almost emit a glow, and have gotten a brighter blue. Both of his arms have been marked with tribal-like markings that start on the hand and make their way up to the shoulders. The markings are black. Most are hidden beneath his armor. At times he is found wearing gloves and a mask to match his undersuit, which he wears beneath his armor.

    Combat Style (Informational):

    Ambush: When attacking a target that is either engaged with another enemy, or that is simply unaware of his presence, Artemis attempts to attack critical points to inflict either fatal wounds or debilitating wounds, depending on if he wants to kill the target or not.

    Counter: Artemis' preferred method of inflicting damage is to wait for his enemy to attack, and in the same motion of his enemies attack, Artemis strikes.

    Precision: Not a single attack is wasted. Thinking through every strike and waiting for the right opportunity, as well as with a thorough knowledge of anatomy, Artemis is able to find critical points quickly and effectively. His knowledge of armor smithing has also allowed him to find weaknesses in enemy armor.


    Increased Strength: (x10) Artemis’ strength has been significantly amplified due to the unlocking of his true magical nature. In combination with his general training and profession, this has made his strength surprisingly formidable despite his stature. Opponents would find it near impossible to overpower him and general feats of strength that would impress are commonplace for him.

    Keen Senses: as a result of his training, as well as his fear that his father will send people after him, he is always very in tune with his surroundings. He is very perceptive of sounds, smells, and has a very strong intuition that has saved his life before.

    Increased Agility: (x10) Artemis’ agility has been significantly amplified due to the unlocking of his true magical nature. Artemis has an incredible degree of agility that allows him to move very quickly, as well as change direction quickly. His body can bend and move in ways that most would find outright unbelievable. His reaction time is also quite impressive and it is near impossible to catch him unawares.

    Increased Balance: Due to his incredible agility and refined muscles, Artemis has a very good center of gravity, and is even able to fight effectively while on difficult terrain.

    Increased Endurance: (x10) Artemis’ endurance has been significantly amplified due to the unlocking of his true magical nature. He rarely, if ever, finds himself feeling tired or winded. He does not fatigue easily and fights as though fresh for days, even without sleep. Artemis is also remarkably resistant to ailment of various kinds, including poisons and diseases both of natural and artificial creation. He may show symptoms to the very strongest of these, but even then he is able to resist their effects remarkably and recover much faster than most others.

    Anti-magic Aegis: Repeated clashes with magical elements from various sources has evolved into a sort of resistance embedded in Artemis’ inherent supernatural nature. His body has its own protection against magical intrusion and effects. For weaker effects coming from those weaker than Artemis (players level 6 or lower) he is practically immune. Those who are stronger, he resist about half of their effects (level 10 and lower), and anyone else he is able to resist about a quarter of the effects.

    • For physical spells, such as lightning blasts, fireballs, ice strikes, etc, all have approximately a quarter of the effects resisted, regardless of character level. (Note: this physical spell protection is cumulative with his undersuit and his daggers if he uses them to block a direct attack, where applicable).

    Professions and Skills:

    Master Dual Wield Proficiency: Years of training have given Artemis the ability to act as if his two arms are fluid companions to one another that can work individually or in unison without any interruption.

    Master Sniper: After thorough practice and experience in using his bow, Judicis, Artemis has achieved an impressive proficiency in archery.

    Proficiency of Dark Elf Language: Years of training with his mentor, Hawk, has resulted in a conversational understanding of the Dark Elf language.

    Mining Knowledge: Artemis has become extremely familiar with the general process of mining and has become a seasoned professional, able to prospect and extract minerals of all kinds with ease from the natural land.

    Blacksmith: Years of apprenticeship and travel have given him an impressive understanding of blacksmithing, especially with blades. His apprenticeship for the Norlond Forge also significantly improved his skills. His craftsmanship has gained renown at this point and his smithing mark has gained repute across Salvar. With his increasingly excessive knowledge of metalwork and blacksmithing, Artemis has gained an advantage when fighting individuals who wear metal armor. When attacking these individuals, he can find the weak points and attack them in order to inflict more damage, gain an opening, or damage the equipment.


    Ocular Abilities:

    • Infra-Vision: Ability to use infra-vision. This ability allows Artemis to view the world as a spectrum of heat sources rather than based on reflection of light. He can use this ability at will.
    • Darkvision: Artemis is able to shift his vision into a form that allows him to see the world as he would with sufficient light, but he sacrifices the ability to see traditional colors. Everything appears as different shades of indigo, but remains clear and crisp, even at zero light.
    • Hawk-Eye: Artemis is able to use his vision like a scope, zooming in and out of range. He is able to notice extremely fine details both close up and incredibly far away, seeing hundreds of yards with little effort or strain. This can be activated simultaneously with his darkvision or infra-vision.
    • Gaze of Graxis: Artemis has been gifted a power by Graxis, his Golden Dragon ally and friend, that allows him to determine the degree of good and evil someone embodies across a spectrum. Artemis will be able to see how malicious they truly are as a person and the severity of their malicious nature. This does not speak to actions. A person may commit deeds such as murder, but it is their intentions that determine malice or virtue. This presents itself to Artemis as a color upon the creature’s being when using this ability; gray reflects a neutral person, with more blue tone reflecting a lean toward virtue and a red tone toward maliciousness. Most people fall into the gray area, often leaning slightly toward virtue.
    • Time Leap: Artemis is able to shift his vision, using one or both eyes, so that he can see back in time to a period earlier in the timeline. It is as though he is seeing the same location in two separate points in the time continuum. He is not able to interact with anything from the past, but only visually observe – no other sensory information is provided.

    Ghostly Movement: After absorbing the power of his enchanted armguard, Artemis has gained the ability to move in complete and utter silence, regardless of any other factors. In most cases, Artemis does not feel the need to utilize this ability as his general stealthiness suffices. At will, this ability creates a sphere of influence approximately three meters across, muffling all sound within that sphere magically. However, this does not mitigate any other senses. If a target has any particular extrasensory ability to detect other sorts of vibrations and distortions, they may be able to still detect Artemis. Any sound that enters the sphere of influence is immediately silenced, no sounds are generated within the sphere of influence, and no sound is able to escape.

    Sustenance: After absorbing the power of his ring of sustenance, Artemis no longer requires food, water, or air to sustain his life. He also only requires only two hours of sleep in order to feel fully rested.

    Elementalist: Artemis has absorbed the enchantments upon his blades that allow the elements to be channeled into his weapons. He now inherently can channel fire, frost, and shock damage into any attack he chooses, whether it’s a weapon that he wields or his bare fists. The strength and potential combination of these attacks may vary, and each element consumes the equivalent of a charge (i.e. using a frost/shock combo attack would consume two charges). At his current expertise, Artemis is able to channel these forces into a maximum of nine charges between a full night's rest (in his case two hours). The current power of his elemental magic could be equated to being struck by lightning, doused with liquid nitrogent, or burned by liquid steel.

    Vampyric Touch: Artemis has absorbed the enchantments upon his blades that allows him to drain the life force of his opponents into his own being in order to regenerate wounds and fatigue. He now inherently can siphon energy through his attacks, whether it’s a weapon that he wields or his bare fists. The effectiveness of this varies in the depth of the strike and the duration of contact, as well as requiring the target to be a living being. The process of draining their life energy begins by simply causing them to fatigue and feel more tired. With enough sustained contact or energy drained, the target may fall unconscious. If continued upon an unconscious body, the target could potentially die. He can also use this ability to instill fear into opponents or intimidate them, as the sensation is immensely disconcerting and uncomfortable. At his current expertise, Artemis is able to channel these forces into a maximum of five strikes between a full night's rest (in his case two hours).

    Shadow-Walker: Artemis has absorbed the ability of the relic he obtained during his battle with Diadeus. He now has the ability to shadowstep, teleporting short distances of up to fifty feet at a time instantaneously. At his current expertise, Artemis is able to use this action a maximum of five times between a full night's rest (in his case two hours).

    Teleportive Markings: Artemis’ markings have spread in strange ways, as though they are alive in their own right. On his right forearm a double-helix has formed with five bars between the strands. These bars act as charges for Artemis’ own teleportation magic that has evolved as a result of frequent exposure to Daros’ teleportive magic. Similar to Daros’ magic, Artemis needs to be familiar with where he is teleporting to and be able to visualize the location in order to go to that destination. When used, a single bar on the helix will vanish, replenishing precisely eight hours after it was expended. The fifth mark is specifically attuned to Daros’ home, as it was the most frequent return destination of Artemis’ teleporting. That mark can only be activated by Judicis’ magic, as it will serve as an emergency retreat if Judicis deems Artemis to be in severe danger of imminent death. This ability has a minimum travel distance of five kilometers - it is not meant for combat situations; that role is filled by Shadow-Walker. This is for long-distance travel. Artemis is able to take allies with him, however they must be willing to do so and not resist – otherwise the effect does not work. Each ally that is taken with Artemis consumes a charge on their own. As there are only four that can be actively used at any given time that means Artemis is able to take a maximum of three allies at once. The recharge rate is as previously mentioned.

    Shimmering Cloak: Artemis’ body has replicated the power of an ancient artifact of the lost civilization that he discovered on his journey to the Kalev Highlands. He is able to activate a cloaking field around himself that renders his person and up to one ally completely invisible while active. If stationary, it is practically impossible to see him and the ability is barely taxing in any way, and can be kept up for up to three hours. When moving, someone may notice ripples in the air similar to the way one does when looking down a hot road in the summer. Once noticed, they would have to actively seek him out but it would still be very difficult. This ability renders him undetectable by any visual method, including but not limited to subsequent abilities that detect heat, magic, sonar and radar, and the visible light spectrum, etc. When moving, the ability becomes more taxing and can be used up to thirty minutes.

    Sensory Attunement: The power of Artemis’ intuition has reached a supernatural state. He is able to sense the positioning and layout of all entities, magical and not magical, within a 100 foot radius, with his body as the point of origin. This is an ongoing effect that can be used in a combat situation and does not require much concentration. If anything were to abruptly shift, he would sense it repositioning within his sphere of influence, or if it left his range.
    • Enhanced State: If given time to concentrate and not disrupted, from seconds to minutes, he can deduce more details regarding his environment and increase the sphere of influence. If he spends ten minutes focused in a meditative state, he can effectively expand his reach to up to a radius of fifteen kilometers, allowing him to understand the lay of the land, the presence of living creatures, and even to find individuals he may be looking for and their location. At any point during this state, Artemis can include auditory information. Though his ability collects that data on the full scale, only Judicis is able to process that volume of data and potentially give Artemis a focal point. He is only able to actively focus on a small area of roughly fifteen meters across for auditory information if he chooses to hone in.

    True Strike: Artemis is able to hone his strikes with such force of will that beings that are not entirely in the material realm are struck as though they were. This also permits Artemis to ignore damage resistances and mitigation that comes from supernatural ability, such as magical shields, auras, barriers, etc. His strikes will be true and deal full damage, as though no such mitigation, resistance, or dimensional manipulation were in effect. For dimensional manipulation, if the target is completely on another plane, this ability does not work; the target must have at least part of their being on the same plane as Artemis. This ability can only be used three times per day, requiring Artemis to rest for at least two hours before use again.


    Leather Body: A very dark blue full body leather armor with an Emblem on both the front and back stitched in black - the emblem is also Artemis' smithing mark.

    The Shaper's Signet: As a gift, Bazzak Norland has entrusted Artemis with his enchanted signet ring, a powerful relic of his dwarven past that he had found during his many travels. Now, Artemis wears it. Though the magical enhancement of this ring has been absorbed by his being, which increased the proficiency of the wearer with respect to their blacksmithing, he still wears it as a relic of his closest friends.

    Campfire Cubes: He has a pair of cubes that were created by Steppenwolf Orlouge. The cubes are gadgets that use fuel, which Artemis now knows how to produce, to create a blue and green campfire on command.

    The Lock Plunger: This magical trinket is approximately two inches long and half an inch wide. The main body of the cylinder is made of calli glass and is wrapped in a mythril shell. The shell acts almost like a skeleton for the glass container, wrapping it as if the metal were poured gently around it, creating an unpredictable web. At one end of the cylinder is a plunger, also made of calli, that when pulled back, fills the chamber with a magical black gel. When the plunger is pushed back in, the gel is ejected through the opposite end where a small conical tip allows the fluid to travel. Upon exiting the chamber, the gel will expand and solidify in less than two seconds, creating a makeshift key to most generic tumbler locks. The gel also has a life of approximately 15 seconds from creation, and after reaching that point will disappear back into the immaterial realm from which it was summoned. The conical tip, if willed to by the user, has the potential to thin and/or elongate like a syringe, making injection of the gel easier.

    Boots of Triton: These magical boots are made of sea serpent scale and appear black. They are incredibly light and given the material, provide excellent resistance to cold as well as slashing damage. The enchantment that was placed upon these boots allows the wearer to manipulate the material in countless ways, turning the boots into the most versatile traveling footwear. If willed to by the wearer, the boots can morph to accomodate the individual's needs. However, they do not fundamentally alter in form - that is to say, the boots remain in the form of boots, they just slightly alter their function as boots.

    Gade Undersuit: Daros has crafted a gade cloth full-body suit for Artemis that has a detachable head and gloves (think superhero Spiderman) that is worn as the initial layer of his armor. He normally keeps the head and gloves off, but when worn, they do not impede him in any way (he can still see, smell, talk, hear, and grip just fine - though food and drink require it to be removed).

    • Gade Cloth: The material that Daros devised is known as Gade Cloth. It is as light and comfortable as silk, but has the ability to stretch quite well, almost like stockings. However, the advantage of this cloth is that it can be worn underneath all armor and will barely be felt, if at all. Another huge advantage of this cloth is that it retains a regenerative property so that if it is ever damaged, it will mend over a relatively short period of time (within a few hours). The final and most important attribute is that this cloth is infused with magic that allows the cloth to regulate the temperature of the person wearing it so as to protect them from extreme external elements, such as the cold of Berevar or the heat of Fallien - in both cases, the wearer would still feel comfortable. The material cannot be disenchanted, as its very substance is magical. Though the cloth protects the wearer 100% from natural instances of temperature shifts, from Berevar to Fallien, it has significantly less influence on magic. It will only mitigate approximately 25% of magical instances of something like fire or ice, and other elemental magic. Direct hits will also damage the cloth, making it less useful in the short run, though it will regenerate later.

    Justice & Virtue: Artemis crafted himself a pair of masterwork mythril daggers as a final project for his apprenticeship with Bazzak Norlond, using some of the mythril acquired during their mining expedition. He engraved his seal on each of the hilts as well as their respective names: Justice & Virtue. They were made in honor of his original steel daggers that he no longer has, Justice replacing the old one named Violence. Later, after bi-layer enchanting his blades, Tinker Rythadine then alchemically coated the twin blades with a thin coat of dehlar, thus sealing in the magic of the enchantments permanently as well as providing the weapons with some magical defense. The new name of the material is Rythadine, in honor of the creator, and is as light as mythril but as resistant to magic as dehlar, while still enchanted. The surface of the blades is also no longer the typical reflective white of the mythril, but rather it is a black matte finish that prevents refraction of light, further making the blades into dangerous tools of death

    • Keen Blades: Upon the blades, Artemis has placed the keen enchant, which permanently ensures that the edge of the blade is not lost. It will forever remain sharp. The enchant does not grant him any bonus against fighting metals, except for the edge-retention. Not only this, but it has also imbued the weapons with extreme effectiveness against organic substances, including both living and once-living materials (such as hide armor or wooden staves as well). The enchant does not grant him any bonus against fighting metals, except for the edge-retention.

    Judicis: A sentient bow made of a white wood-like material (Ulder quality) that is slightly larger than a shortbow. Artemis is able to communicate openly with the spirit. Communication can occur either in Judicis' personal realm of magic or in the real world, but in both cases, time passes normally. Judicis is able to take various forms, the most common being a bracer upon Artemis’ left wrist. It is approximately three inches long and runs around his entire wrist, appearing as leather of whatever color Artemis wills of it (a black by default). It cannot be removed, unless Artemis wills the bow back into its original form. However, at will Artemis can shift the form into a bow of pure energy that is also capable of notching and firing arrows that any bow would fire. He is also able to shift the bow into an earring, ring, or any other accessory. If absolutely necessary, he is able to merge with the weapon temporarily and hide it as a tattoo upon his flesh. However, given the strong magic involved, this is taxing upon Artemis and he prefers to avoid this unless he is taken prisoner for example. Through years of use, Artemis has come to understand one of the most powerful aspects of integrating Judicis’ ability with his own. This came to light using his sensory attunement, and realizing that all of the information that he collects, though his mind cannot sort it as quickly, Judicis’ sentient magic is capable of processing and computing vast amounts of information almost instantaneously. This enhances Artemis’ decision making and provides a real-time source of information and advice.

    --The bow will not fire if the act of its wielder is not virtuous.
    --It may aid the wielder if the attack is deemed exceptionally virtuous by increasing the accuracy and/or strength of the shot.
    --The bow's color can change depending on the user's will.

    Magical Projectiles: (All are susceptible to magic resistance unless denoted otherwise)
    • Fatigue Projectile: This magical projectile takes the form of a royal blue arrow of energy. When it strikes an opponent, it does not do direct damage. The arrow's effects cause the enemy to feel fatigued, lowering physical attributes by one half (strength, agility, dexterity, etc.) and mental attributes by one quarter (intelligence, wisdom, charisma, etc.). ((Works at half efficiency against players))
    • Incapacitating Projectile: This magical projectile takes the form of a black arrow of energy. When it strikes an opponent, it does not do direct damage. The arrow's effects cause a stunning effect that causes the target to become unconscious, as if knocked out with a concussive blow. This does not depend on the area where the projectile strikes. ((Does not work on players))
    • Wounding Burst Projectile: This magical projectile takes the form of crimson arrow of energy. When it strikes an opponent, it deals direct damage. The arrow's effect causes piercing damage in the way that a regular arrow would. However, the head of the magical projectile, after hitting the target, has an explosive effect that causes a small burst of energy and causing internal damage as well.
    • Crystaline Projectile: This magical projectile takes on a clear and colorless appearance, and upon firing from the bow, solidifies into an arrow with the power of prevalida. Its flight concentrates the magical energy, effectively making the attack kinetic rather than magical in nature; thus, it is not susceptible to magic resistance as the other arrows are. Due to its nature, it is able to pierce metal and stone of varied strength, up to and include prevalida. Only something of the quality of adamantite could stop its force.

    Cloaking Artifact: While currently in the safe keeping of Graxis, Artemis now has access to a powerful cloaking device that can effectively hide up to ten square miles of area, effectively rendering it impossible to detect or enter. He intends to found a small town with the artifact in the Kalev Highlands that can be a haven for those who seek asylum from the tumult of Althanas. The artifact will be set up and activated and people will not be able to enter or leave the area of influence without knowing how to do so – which will be a closely guarded secret among Artemis and only his closest friends and allies. This is primarily for narrative purposes.

    Conveyance Obsidian: Artemis purchased an obsidian stone shaped into an earring that he wears as a loop on the helix of his left ear. The trinket allows him to contact individuals that he has attuned to the trinket’s power, opening a communication channel that can allow the individuals to speak to one another as well as allow one another to see through their eyes. Artemis is the only one who can open the channel and those whom he contacts can opt to decline the attempt at contact if they are so inclined. To begin a contact, Artemis must speak the word “Initus” followed by the name of the contact. When he is finished, he speaks the word “Terminus” to close the link. There are no limitations on usage aside from the need to be attuned to the individual and for them to be on the same plane as Artemis at the time of communication. In order to attune, Artemis must be in physical contact with the individual and initiate a call which they must answer in order to give their consent. The trinket has a maximum of ten contacts that he can be attuned to at any given time. The current list is as follows:

    --Jhaelkah (Jay)
    --Regis Dali
    --Bazzak Norlond
    --Nalin Norlond
    --Gareth Eburi
    --Antiope of the Sorie Trading Guild

    Adamantite Beam Blade: Using the adamantite received from the trading guild, as per their agreement, Artemis has reforged the metal into a shortsword. The blade splits from the hilt into two parallel lines of metal before converging back together near the tip. In the hilt of the blade, the orange magicyte has been cut and set, though currently its effect is dormant. Due to its adamantite construction, the weapon is indestructible, with few exceptions. Its blade appears black, coated with a powder of red magicyte that gives the weapon a reddish twinkle in the right light. The red magicyte allows Artemis to channel his magic through the weapon with a boost to its power (3x magic potency). On the pommel of the blade, Artemis has added the symbol of the Norlond Family - the tankard with an eye in the center. He set a bright blue Sapphire in the center of the eye, representing his own.

    Dormant Ability (due to magicyte not being fully released) - Currently, Daros has not developed an effective way to charge the orange magicyte. However, the wizard speculates that once successful, Artemis will be able to activate a powerful beam of energy that will channel through the red magicyte dusted on the blade. When active, the beam will be able to extend beyond the edge of the weapon's tip, likely two to three times its length, and will be able to cut through nearly anything. The duration of this ability and its recharge will be determined with further research. The damage it will do will not be magical, but pure energy, and thus will not be affected by magical mitigation.


    • Changed my stats down from x12 to x10 since x10 is supposed to be the cap
    • Added True Strike ability
    • Added Adamantite Beam Blade received from solo
    • Added additional clarity on Judicis’ relationship to Artemis
    • Added auditory information for Sensory Attunement
    • Removed history section to save space
    • Added Anti-Magic Aegis
    • Changed dual-wield proficiency to master

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