Pages flew past her through some kind of ethereal wind. Felicity peared through the fluttering pages flying like snow in a storm. She stepped from solid ground into what felt like a sea of pages. The blue, artificial light glowed as she found herself swimming in soft, cushioning pages and scrolls. When her feet hit solid ground, Felicity managed to pull herself onto a leather bound platform. What was this place? Only a couple seconds in and this was one of the most bizarre Citadel arenas she had ever experienced.

Felicity looked up from the strange floor. Into the distance, towering bookshelves the size of the sky made up the spacious, enormous walling of the arena. Multiple platforms floated between the sea of pages, and looking up she saw that they extended towards the air above.

What kinds of platforms were they? Well, the platforms ranged from massive floating bookshelves, humongous books, ethereal letters and numbers from a diversity of written languages... Felicity could tell this expansive library had one theme to it - learning.

Learning. Life was a constant lesson.

Felicity was in the Citadel to learn. She needed to avoid using her nuclear powers, instead relying on raw skills and brain power. She checked her equipment. She lifted her arm, taking note of her maneuvering assistance device, or M.A.D., which was right below one of her arctic leather and delyn tactical gloves. Felicity's two arming swords swung at one of her sides, her katana was hanging on the other. Her trident parrying dagger was over her shoulder, her stilleto tucked underneath her gambeson. Her war bow and arrows were also slung over her back. Inside a pouch at her waist, an enchanted metal bird awaited her orders.

Felicity lowered her arm, looking down at the leather book platform she was floating on. Reaching back, Felicity pulled the bow from her back and gazed from platform to platform, on her level and above, searching for her opponent.

She was going to win this fight. Without her deadly powers.

As the sound of pages crinkling resounded around the open space, she waited.