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  1. #11
    Captain of Curses
    EXP: 2,795, Level: 2
    Level completed: 27%, EXP required for next level: 2,205
    Level completed: 27%,
    EXP required for next level: 2,205
    Kroom's Avatar

    Jak Roth Rute
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    Five foot ten; roughly one hundred & eighty pounds.
    Blacksmith & Armorer

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    The Iron Brigade.


    Kroom M'kralla. Commanding officer. Possibly part Orc; tall and burly, with dark hair and brooding dark eyes. Possesses an astute intellect, and is trained in some magical arts. Wields a long damascus talwar and steel shield, wears medium armor & helm.

    - Empowering Aura: allied spellcasting is progressively boosted & enemy spellcasting is progressively weakened as the caster approaches Kroom, starting at 50m distance. Within 10m, enemy spellcasting is silenced & allied spellcasting is triply effective.
    - Blazing Saddles: when Kroom orders a full charge, all allied cavalry deal more damage and are harder to repel. This effect lasts for the duration of the charge, until it is successful or stopped.
    - Whirlwind Warrior: when Kroom enters combat personally, his training and fighting style enable him to move at 3x human speed.
    - Cleaving Blade: Kroom's enchanted scimitar will easily cut through armor weaker than dehlar.
    - One-Man Wall: Kroom's shield easily resists most non-magical attacks, and partially protects him from all but the strongest magical assaults.

    Felix Trullath. Adjutant officer. Average height, peak physical condition. White hair, wears a blindfold to hide his absence of eyes. A lifelong soldier, moderate magical training. Wields a long spear, sword, and shield. Wears blackened medium steel armor.

    - Blind-Sense: To compensate for the wounds which cost him his eyes, Felix has trained himself to have a magical awareness of his surroundings. If he focuses on this (that is, is not actively fighting), he can expand this to a reasonably accurate awareness of everything within a half-mile of his position. When used latently, it is effective up to 20m.
    - Warrior's Boon: soldiers near to Felix benefit from his own prowess, and are more effective.
    - Magic Sight: Felix has practiced a magical perception. While he cannot perceive as do you or I, he can still 'see' much as would a normal person, and magical illusions do not deceive him.
    - Empowered Cast: Felix can hurl his war-spear with the aid of his magic. Magical energy creates a piercing sheath around the weapon, and it strikes with the force of a grenade's explosion. Armor without magical properties will provide no defense.
    - Chosen Weapon: Felix's sword carries a magical aura which empowers its strikes, easily cutting through all but the heaviest non-magical armor.
    - Hero's Stand: if Felix orders a group of soldiers to stand and operate defensively, they become extremely hard to dislodge.

    Sekk'ara. Barbaric warleader and shaman. Very tall (~7ft) and very muscular. Black hair and golden eyes. Magically mutated, his right arm is scaled and clawed. Powerful magician and warrior. Mediocre tactician. Carries a greatsword and flail and can easily dual-wield them both. Wears magically-invested leather armor.

    - Black Magic: Sekk'ara can conjure magical force (telekinesis) once every other post. This ability may not alternate with Fire Magic.
    - Fire Magic: Sekk'ara can conjure a large amount of magical fire once every other post. This ability may not alternate with Black Magic.
    - Pyre: If killed, Sekk'ara's magical energies will detonate in an incinerating blast. Anything within 100ft of him will die, allied or not.
    - Black Mist: Sekk'ara can craft magical illusions.
    - Ashtareph's Kiss: Wounds inflicted by Sekk'ara's sword empower him in combat, though they do not heal him or empower his magic.
    - Kiramod's Aspect: Sekk'ara's flail radiates an aura of intense dread, likely to dishearten enemy soldiers.
    - Fuel for the Fire: non-lethal wounds inflicted on Sekk'ara empower his magic.



    Sway Mages. 30 Sway-approved battle-mages.
    Effective to line-of-sight, ~800m. Little to no proper armor, high mobility, good discipline. Few to no proper weapons. Trained variously in offensive, defensive, healing, or enhancing magic. All capable of communicating instantly with the other mages, a handful (6-10) capable of instantaneously teleporting small groups (10-20) to known locations or within line-of-sight.

    Salvic Iron Guard. 70 elite heavy dragoons. The General's Guard.
    Heavy steel longswords & crossbows (identical to rank-and-file crossbows). Heavy steel armor on men & medium armor on mounts, good mobility, extreme discipline. Extensively trained. Strong against all non-magical targets.

    Salvic Foot. 5,400 infantrymen.
    - 2,700 pikemen. 20 ft pikes, medium armor, good mobility, high discipline. Short weapons (swords, long knives, axes, maces, hammers, etc.) for close fighting. Strong in formation.
    - 1,800 crossbowmen. Steel-ribbed crossbows & steel bolts. Max range of ~375m, max killing range at ~300m, best accuracy up to ~150m. Rate of fire ~2 shots per minute. Medium armor. High mobility, high discipline. Short weapons (swords, long knives, axes, maces, hammers, etc.) for close fighting. Strong behind fortifications or in protective formation.
    - 900 swordsmen. 3 ft steel swords & kite shields. Full armor. Good mobility, good discipline. Strong against disorganized assaults or in organized formations.

    Salvic Horse. 2,100 horsemen.
    - 600 heavy cavalry. 20 ft lances, heavy armor on man & horse, high mobility, good discipline. Heavy weapons (axes, maces, hammers, flails, etc.) for close fighting. Strong against infantry & light cavalry. Nigh-irresistible in a full charge.
    - 1,500 light cavalry. Light armor on man & horse. Extreme mobility, low discipline. Short lances & rough polearms, swords, maces, whips, compound bows & arrows. Strong against light infantry & light cavalry. Very strong in full charge, good at maneuvers & running battles.

    Salvic Irregulars. 1,800 infantrymen.
    - Irregular weapons, both ranged & close-quarters. Maximum range of ~200m, effective against armor up to medium-grade. No to medium armor, extreme mobility, low discipline. Strong stealth capabilities. Extremely effective from ambush, at close-quarters, & in disorganized conflict.

    Salvic Artillery Corps. 600 engineers, sappers & artillerymen, manning 190. war engines.
    - 120 scorpions (highly mobile heavy crossbows). Maximum range of ~400m, accurate range of ~100m. Extreme accuracy, effective against all standard armor grades. Fires heavy bolts/light javelins. Rate of fire 3-4 shots per minute. 1-man operator. (120 personnel allotted.) Strong as precision anti-personnel.
    - 30 light ballistae (low mobility siege crossbows). Maximum range of ~450m, accurate range of ~200m. High accuracy, effective against all standard armor grades. Fires javelins, 6lb shot, grape shot & canister shot. 4-man crew. Rate of fire 1 shot per 2 minutes. 3-man crew. (120 personnel allotted.) Strong as anti-personnel fire & against formations.
    - 30 hwacha (good mobility volley rocket-arrow launcher). Maximum range of ~150m, effective range of ~100m. Low accuracy, effective against all standard armor grades. Fires rocket-propelled long arrows in volleys of 200 per hwacha (6,000 total volley). Rate of fire 1 discharge per 5 minutes. 3-man crew. (90 personnel allotted.) Strong against formations.
    - 10 heavy mangonels (poor mobility torsion catapult). Maximum range of ~200m, effective range of ~150m. Good accuracy, effective against all standard armor grades & fortifications. Fires clusters of stone shot, canister shot, & 30lb solid stone shot. Rate of fire 1 shot per 5 minutes. 6-man crew. (60 personnel allotted.) Strong against formations & fortifications.
    Balance of personnel (210) working supply, maintenance, and guard. Crossbows, shortswords. Medium armor. Good mobility, high discipline.
    Last edited by Kroom; 05-29-14 at 05:03 PM.
    Unbent, unbroken.

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