Ello, all you awesome peoplez!

I am sorry to say this but I won't be on for the next several days after this long enough to actually post or anything. Why that is is because:

A.) My phone ran out of data <_<
B.) I'm visiting with relatives and I won't be able to get to a computer very often now.

This will only last for like, a week, but still. Given Dirks says I'm the most active writer on Althanas, a week should be torture enough xD So for everyone I'm RPing with, I won't be getting back to your posts for a while. For everyone else, you get a break from the Flying Stone Tavern Queen now! ;P

Well, everybody have an awesome week!
~ Ashla, Gwen, Zeva, Bad Luck Kitty, Julius Tabor, Kaida, etc. etc. etc.