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Thread: [OPEN] A Stumble Through the Capital

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    Armis's Avatar

    Armis Interminatus
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    5'11" / 140
    Wanderer / Oddjobs

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    [OPEN] A Stumble Through the Capital

    "Just how in the world did I end up here? Also...what the heck is even here?"

    It was only a few steps into the fallen capital city of Eluriand that the young man was already astonished by the amazing architecture, even in its current dilapidated state. What remained of all the carnage that had battered the city in the past didn't seem enough to completely tarnish the beauty of what was created here.

    Still, there did not answer the question that he had on his mind, which was exactly what he was doing here. There was no job or assignment associated with being here, and there was no money to be made by being here, to his knowledge. As if in tandem with this realization, he could feel and hear his stomach growl softly. Placing a hand on it he gave a sigh, "Great...up a creek without a paddle."

    Moving some of the bangs out of his face Armis continued to scan around the wreckage, "I guess nothing good will come of me complaining. Let's see if there's anything that might get me a meal for the night. Of course, then the second question would be where nearby could I even do that transaction. Still, this place doesn't exactly give a warm welcoming feeling. I'd best be careful."

    Stretching his right hand to the side a flash of crystal-shaped light shot out like a beam from his palm, extending only about three feet away before appearing to transform into a simple sword. The blade itself only had a single cutting edge, but the way he held it certainly showed a familiarity with the weapon. Looking down at the weapon with a flash of confusion coming over his face for a moment he continued forward, "Still no idea how the heck I do that, but at least I know that it still works."

    Moving a few yards further inside, Armis could still see the stains on the ground, where the blood shed from past battles had soaked into the paved streets. This was certainly a place that was once bustling and full of life, but not nothing much remained other the the walls and structures that indicated its past life, almost like a aesthetic shell of an oyster that housed a broken pearl that had crumbled back into sand. Still, the silver-lining so far that was he had not encountered and dangerous creatures or bandits. He had tangled with some like entities in the past, but what he had learned from those encounters was to not trust that you could easily handle the situation. There could, and sometimes would, always be something to derail you and put the battle against you.

    "Better to be prepared than not..."

    Hearing his stomach rumble again right at the end of the statement he had made in his mind Armis gave another sigh, "Not like I'm currently exemplifying that."
    Last edited by Armis; 03-01-17 at 08:47 PM.

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