Quote Originally Posted by Philomel View Post
Can I ask you to just clarify inside Soul Trap that he does not take any abilities of the souls that he takes from killing them.
Sure thing.

Titanium is very strong, even for the smaller amount of body covered (torso, arms, thighs and head) that could be allowed at present.
It's only arms from the elbow down, legs from the knees down, and head. No torso. I've actually got armor there.

I can allow it on the basis that you lower it to dehlar if you want it to last the whole time, or remain and titanium and give it a time limit (say, a maximum of 3 posts in a thread).
This concession can be made.

Currently, despite some of the deductions you have made to your profile (Flight has been deleted, for instance) you are sitting over the PL limit, not including the Carapace details. I will need to ask you to lower or lock some abilities.
Yeah, I just wasn't feeling the flight.

Do you mind breaking the PL down for my abilities so that I can alter them to fit the PL cap? Without an actual listing it's hard to know what will be acceptable.