Elthas observed Gum and his Father, Halm Belthasar with tremendous interest.

It had been a long time since Elthas knew any sort of peace inside...his life had been a consistent state of warfare and tragedy. The man named Xu Bellaparte and his subordinate, Yosef Terrentius had taken much from him. But in that great loss...the terrible tragedy that he knew was the loss of Hylda Terrentius. He was that time's broken heart. Elthas looked at his Father for a long moment. If Gum needed help with something...Elthas would of course lend him his power. But there was something else and Elthas knew that to be the case. He realized that his family was always with him...Mother and Father. The lost elements of the Belthasar clan. At that point he realized that a past failure still lingered.

"Father...I left before I was ready to." He suddenly looked up towards Halm Belthasar. "Though it is true that I was banished...my training was not complete. I could not finish the training I had needed and had no knowledge to preserve the old ways. Only some of it I could complete." Elthas said, the failure of his past coming back to haunt him. "But because of you, I was able to save that man...Seth Terrentius." Elthas knew he had honoured the Old Alliances in a way that would always be his. He'd separated himself from the followers of Xu Bellaparte and the rest of the Ruild Elves. Elthas considered everything he was thinking about at that point. He listened to everything Gum said...the caves had power.

Elthas looked at his Father who remained silent at that point...as if in deep contemplation.

Then he looked towards Gum. "I understand I am meant to see something in these caves." Elthas explained. "A man once told me...Seth Terrentius...that the world of Althanas held many places of power. Some were hallowed grounds, Wards that repelled those in my situation. And some were indeed conduits of greatness." Elthas rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "You mentioned you are a Shaman...tell me more about yourself. Perhaps you can help me and my Ancestors more than words can say." Elthas said, he too, was being sincere.

It had been a long time since Elthas had anybody to trust...anybody to call friend.

And in so finding Gum...a part of himself had been healed from the lingering sadness and depression in his heart and soul.