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Thread: The Gripe Thread [Rated Aure]

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    The Gripe Thread [Rated Aure]

    Warning: This thread is not for the faint of heart or easily offended!


    This thread is a negative thread. It is a venting thread. It is where you go after a long, shitty day and just hate drop whatever is bugging you. Some people do this on Facebook, but then some optimistic cancer of a person writes a paragraph long comment about how terrible of a person you are and that you shouldn't post negative things because it "kills the mood of their feed". (Eff that guy, right?) You can't tell your boss to fuck off in their face, you can't tell your significant other that the meatloaf tastes like a mud brick (moar salt plz), and you can't use the James Bond features of your used '98 Honda to blow up the guy that cut you off this morning (Oh god, please let this happen one day).

    So take it here,
    write it out,

    LET IT GO~ <3


    Rules?! What the fuck?! Really?!

    Yes, rules... You are a rowdy bunch and you damn well know it.

    Rule Number 1! - No hate bashing on people here. Last thing I want and the rest of us want is a flame war. Remember Eiskalt. Remember the kids that died? You did that. Do you feel good about yourself? Hmm? Yeah, don't do it.

    Rule Number 2! - No death threats or suicide threats. Use your big boy words like fuck, fuckin', fucker, fucked, and fucks. No need to illicit murder. Remember Eiskalt? Yeah... I'll bring it up again.

    Rule Number 3! - Avoid straight up slander, racism, and other equally ignorant offenses of commonly sensitive subjects. You can be sorta civil... I hope... So, no blows below the belt. Remember Eiskalt and that Lye X Jensen sensual reading? Yeah, I do. Don't do it. I'm still questioning my sexuality... *ahem* Moving on...

    Rule Number 4! - Content posted here is subject to be taken down by staff depending on how out of control you numbskulls get. I'm not saying all of your are numbskulls but if you get out of hand, you'll understand the definition of numbskull when the banhammer finds your cranium (that's a fancy word for head, fyi).


    Vent here. Get it out. Be silly about it or just blow off steam. Use your "big boy words". Just don't be dumb about it.

    Last edited by Lye; 04-28-16 at 09:51 AM.
    "All mortal men possess the capacity to do evil. Some are simply more capable than others."
    - Anonymous

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