View Full Version : Introduction/Outroduction

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  1. Opa!
  2. Greetings everyone.
  3. Hello?
  4. Well then..
  5. Following the Crowd
  6. Hi There
  7. The Life That Shatted
  8. Vacation time
  9. My Farewell
  10. Hiya :)
  11. A short break...
  12. im not dead
  13. I'm back.
  14. Where'd that one kid go?
  15. I'm rarely consistent
  16. A wizard arrives neither late nor early...
  17. This is directed at the members of the Gol'Bron
  18. Just in case
  19. I'm Back (albeit with a new character)
  20. To the world: Hello!
  21. Notice
  22. It Never Ends
  23. Vacation
  24. hello people
  25. Eh, I'm back...
  26. Moving!
  27. A Hopeful Return?
  28. Hello!
  29. Stuck in Iowa City with the blues for anywhere else
  30. Greetings
  31. well umm
  32. Kylin Rouge: OOC
  33. Out for a few.
  34. Slowing down, possibly to a stop.
  35. A short time of leave
  36. Ups, and Downs.
  37. Hello!
  38. A short time in the hospital...
  39. Is this a bad time?
  40. Welcoming Game and saying Hi
  41. I think I'm back
  42. Hey yet again everyone
  43. Flu like symptoms
  44. A little change in communication
  45. So Long, Farewell...
  46. A Re-Introduction
  47. Extended Leave
  48. Spotty like my panties that time of the month
  49. To all who remember me...
  50. Oh Bugger
  51. Screw University reading, I'm making my own stories!
  52. I have returned!
  53. Howdy
  54. Not... quite... dead yet.
  55. This is an introduction thread.
  56. My deepest apologies!
  57. Uh... What?
  58. Well, well!
  59. What's up with today?
  60. Good morrow to all!
  61. Its me again. Seth Rahl's other character....
  62. Hello fellow writers
  63. Gimme' a break of that kit kat bar^^
  64. Slowing down
  65. Another character!
  66. Full stop
  67. Guess who?
  68. A due explanation
  69. I became a Moderator on another roleplaying site!!!
  70. From the Darkness Comes a Familiar Face...
  71. *dies from exhaustion*
  72. A fine mo0 to you.
  73. Try again...
  74. Hola!
  75. The Witch-Slinger (aka making Witchblade green with envy(jk))
  76. Hey
  77. Hello, good people!!
  78. Explanation
  79. I'm afraid Rok the Blade may not be here the next few weeks....
  80. hiya
  81. Sorry for the delay
  82. Hullo! :3
  83. Hello Everyone.
  84. Like a bad joke.
  85. Here is a Noob question >.<
  86. The newest "furry"
  87. Hai thur
  88. Hello Althanas
  89. Newbie
  90. Greetings from a newbie
  91. Hello Althanas
  92. -Out of Commission-
  93. A little bitty headache
  94. Retirement
  95. Good evening Althanas
  96. He returns, again.
  97. Greetings <.< >.>
  98. News Flash: Too much porn will make your computer go BOOM!
  99. She's A Vixen, Not A Tramp
  100. another break
  101. re-Mo0
  102. And this is the way it happened...
  103. Saying Hello, and all that
  104. A long-time coming.
  105. Hullo All You Nice People!
  106. Man with a mission
  107. Out of boredom
  108. Gone for the weekend, so no FQ help til Monday
  109. Oh WOW!
  110. Hopefully...
  111. Hello
  112. Hardly an introduction
  113. Back from vacation...
  114. Generally spotty; now moreso!
  115. Uh.... Help?
  116. Absences...
  117. Hello
  118. Back in full force
  119. Stealing Ifrit's thunder
  120. ... and Jupiter aligns with Mars
  121. Wow, how long WAS I gone?
  122. And it begins to get everywhere.
  123. All Systems Go
  124. Bringing back an oldbie...
  125. I miss Storm Veritas.
  126. Accidents Happen
  127. Hey Y'all!
  128. No internet for now
  129. Hiya, Ladies & Gents
  130. From the people that brought you the demon cupcake...
  131. I'm back.
  132. Hullo. Don't let the tiny newb's mewlings frighten you.
  133. How many times have I disappeared and reappeared? I've lost count! But i'm back.
  134. And so it begins.
  135. Unexpected Mostly-Hiatus
  136. Newbie
  137. Message from Herald: "Busted Technology"
  138. New Years
  139. Wow...
  140. Extended Absence
  141. New tricks old Knight
  142. Fuck all
  143. Sorry about that...
  144. Meet new people
  145. Strange and unusual.
  146. Please sir, can I have some more?
  147. I dunno
  148. Warm beer and constitutional monarchy
  149. Back.
  150. well.......yea....
  151. Ah Good Times
  152. Guess who's back!
  153. Front, I mean, BACK!
  154. Whoops
  155. Hiya
  156. My deepest apologies.
  157. Rogue Virus' Absence
  158. Some Guy
  159. Time Management
  160. Holy hell.
  161. O Noes!
  162. (Insert witty title here)
  163. Greetings
  164. Is there an introductions section here?
  165. Let's make it official...
  166. A Re-Introduction?
  167. No Time
  168. Time Slots
  169. Greetings
  170. The Crazy Thing Is...
  171. Salutations!
  172. hi
  173. A New Bazaar Mod
  174. Newbie
  175. I'm back
  176. Muffins!
  177. Squeak, Squeak Goes The Hammer
  178. Just so you all know.
  179. Itsa MEEEEEEEE!
  180. Time for a sabbatical
  181. Loreena Returns
  182. I'm Kind of a Big Deal
  183. Well Holy Sh-...shish Kebabs!
  184. Some things are better left unseen
  185. I suppose an apology is in order
  186. Meh...
  187. So this is where it goes...
  188. Kind of Short Notice...
  189. Forrest Gump Land!
  190. Hello
  191. Hiya
  192. Evening, all!
  193. Guess who's back! (again...)
  194. The fates conspire against me =(
  195. Who Doesn't Love Pulling Strings?
  196. New and interested
  197. Take... 3?
  198. hey
  199. BOO! Arty be here
  200. After several weeks of inactivity...
  201. Meh
  202. Introducing Mep
  203. a nick is required with bbcode does not alter out to set pictures
  204. New Blood.
  205. The Usual Formailities
  206. *Leap*
  207. Medical Emergency
  208. O.o
  209. *slink*
  210. Oh my do I need to apologize...
  211. Temporary Turmoil
  212. Leave of Absence...*sniffs*
  213. Uh... Hey.
  214. Oh, my goodness,
  215. We're off to see the wizard...
  216. New Here
  217. Hanging up the quill, the pen and the keyboard
  218. Hiatus
  219. Just a few days... just give me a few days...
  220. New to the site, but not to roleplaying
  221. Voting is no good
  222. Boo!!!
  223. I'll say hello to Letho
  224. -wave-
  225. Extended Hiatus
  226. Zook Murnig, I'm Callin' You Out!
  227. hello
  228. Approved!!
  229. "Vacation."
  230. Final Salute
  231. Hi how are you
  232. Funeral to Attend today.
  233. Stupid Deadlines
  234. Fun in the Sun
  235. Repnok bubio long
  236. Hello, please tell me
  237. Belated Greetings
  238. Huzzahs for inspiration
  239. for at least a short while.
  240. Hey kids
  241. Greetings,
  242. A few problems and my Solution.
  243. I'm Nash
  244. Okay guys!
  245. to be honest
  246. New to the forum
  247. Hello again.
  248. Back from the Sun
  249. Patience
  250. konnichiwaaa!