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  1. Kitty!
  2. Fihrinn Armunn-Aoradh
  3. Ethel
  4. Lillisouin
  5. Karel Hector Raven; Saint of Swords
  6. Atzar Kellon
  7. Morghulis
  8. Madame Sera Blackwater
  9. Khungar the Beastman
  10. Serus Tarsin
  11. Rylius Ammae
  12. Tangled Webs
  13. Lantor Leiahorn
  14. X. A. M.
  15. Just For a Second... (level 0)
  16. Blue wolf
  17. Zadkael Malachim
  18. Assirra Asuran
  19. Corvus MacCallum
  20. Kichiro Mitsuru
  21. I Want To Know Your Plans
  22. Necropolis
  23. Pheonix Knight
  24. Monica the Forgotten
  25. Devin Argente
  26. Trilde, the Fallen Angel
  27. The storyteller
  28. Lachan
  29. Jade StoneGaze
  30. Unknown Beginnings
  31. The Revolution Begins.
  32. Alearto Akatriel
  33. Jack The Eagle
  34. Fareron SilverStone (Aeromancer)
  35. Malrion
  36. Cirque Du' Freak.
  37. The Body of a Wraith. The Spirit of a Poet
  38. The Mer-Elf girl, Delfa Meritania
  39. Sara SixBlades
  40. Clyde Oliandar
  41. Aramat
  42. Big thing come in small packages
  43. .Backstage.
  44. Maximillian Cannon
  45. Shell: the fighting machine
  46. Industrial Revolutionary
  47. Raseri
  48. Melissa Berdaeu
  49. The Dreamer Dreams
  50. Lillith V'oss
  51. Bishop
  52. Oriseus Dargonis
  53. Jack Lancer
  54. Crystal Suncrest
  55. Ekirei Akechi
  56. Drak Registration
  57. Ravenok Kinnes
  58. Arcturus
  59. The Tree Sitter
  60. Aurion Doomharn
  61. Wasting Cyrus's Time
  62. Registration
  63. Prisoner 271
  64. Monopoly (Althanas Style)
  65. Daddy's little princess
  66. Paz - Level Zero
  67. The Honorable Barbarian
  68. 2 for the price of 1!
  69. Captain of the Seventh Company of the Bladewraiths
  70. The Royal Rapier
  71. Sid Registration
  72. Just another Lost Cause
  73. The wandering dragoon
  74. Galadra Mif'Saryos
  75. Ifrit's Fiance
  76. Gulm Naguk
  77. Assassin's Guild
  78. Caduceus Grimaldi - Qaballistic Magician
  79. Berick Sanchent
  80. PG: Illicit Entrepreneurs
  81. Jimbo
  82. Khariss Sevrath
  83. Arrow: Character Thread
  84. The Winds are Changing
  85. The Mistake
  86. PG: The Peregrine Group
  87. Falior Elrond
  88. Charlie : Character
  89. Lillian Sesthal, Librarian of the Bizarre
  90. Crum
  91. PG: The Order of Dratmos
  92. Alayna Suryian
  93. The Brotherhood (Returns Again)
  94. Diane Terringail, Secretary Extraordinaire
  95. Madyrn
  96. Zooga
  97. Zel Donovan - Fists of Fury
  98. Drusilia Liadon Aberration Hunter At Large
  99. PG: The Knights of the Round Table
  100. Knave of all Trades
  101. Frost
  102. Javet Yradechae
  103. A Stranger in a Strange Land
  104. Tal'Gor
  105. Sol Drugont
  106. Time to hunt
  107. Rhonwen Bel - Dragon Knight
  108. Kalamu Eusimoto
  109. Serge Fireblade
  110. The Scion of Swords
  111. Can I play with you?
  112. The Forgotten
  113. Electric Moonlight
  114. Leon Adalbert - Swashbuckler
  115. Valient Stark
  116. Tyrion, MIA
  117. Kuroki Nakaru
  118. Indrid Cold
  119. The Super Electric Kitty!
  120. PG - The Merchants' Confederation
  121. Thoth Shiva
  122. Drenn J'hald
  123. Level 0
  124. The Boy of Earth
  125. Aial Tyrne: The Bane of Sanity
  126. Aurt Dolgirn - Master Smith
  127. A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing
  128. Sir Fedlund Overby of the Heath, etc. etc. etc.
  129. Po’Rek Cos’p’Cis Rrass
  130. The Furry Killer.
  131. Gnome of Darkness
  132. Run like hell.
  133. Louicien, Amending the Republic
  134. Spitting Nihilism
  135. Dethel Renther
  136. .The.Tainted.Truth.
  137. Selene Freemont
  138. Tevan Tyro
  139. PG Registration: Aurora
  140. Aura Auretto
  141. Sherin
  142. Omega
  143. The Mime
  144. The Fallen King
  145. Evil Reincarnated
  146. Kadaj Heuliphos
  147. Maddox Veritas.
  148. Nova
  149. Like Woah
  150. The Search Begins
  151. Foresaken By War: The Beggining
  152. The Handstand Wonder.
  153. Karuka
  154. Burly Bear!!!!
  155. Garthabel the Wicked
  156. The Chef
  157. Jack Stone
  158. Listen, and in turn be heard
  159. Sevellus Takmarin
  160. Faust Adalrich
  161. Hi!
  162. Winter isn't over yet...
  163. By Way of Application
  164. Sokket Dachenan
  165. The First Book of Zane
  166. Kadana Udayana Mahjon
  167. Tempest
  168. Aishling
  169. Emissary of Dragon's Dawn
  170. New Character
  171. The Way
  172. Reese Jarrek
  173. Heather Tugrisio
  174. Boobs.
  175. Angios Patois
  176. Lazarus Corrinth
  177. A girl and her dog
  178. Jemnisimi
  179. Shadow Rising
  180. Rose
  181. Sihiri Kiinimacho
  182. Amon D'Rizt
  183. William Steinbock
  184. Amaru
  185. Ace High
  186. So it begins.
  187. Quietus~ Lone Templum
  188. Soliel Reverie
  189. Sir Iain Detrius of Harondale
  190. Lone Wolf.
  191. Silver Sun
  192. Seele Esser
  193. Dineia Marie Alucard
  194. Symura Ashia
  195. Vivian H. Foxworthy
  196. Chiyo Fujiwara
  197. Blackwhisker
  198. Badr Arkwis
  199. And the Dead shall walk...
  200. Beer Deliver Guy
  201. Reinhardt Lain
  202. Anais Hieras
  203. Alive With the Glory of Love
  204. Uriel Erasmus
  205. Rath
  206. Isaiah Outcast
  207. Dances of Wind and Steel
  208. Lyrra
  209. Sir Lord Harbringer
  210. This Ain't Your Fairy Tale
  211. Aaron Kilrich
  212. Kris Vortimo - Level Zero
  213. Huacamon Axayotl
  214. Nephilium
  215. Ni Hao Ma!
  216. Mentor Needed
  217. Hollis Brown
  218. Chance WinterSent
  219. Gasp! A character that isn't wallowing in pity!
  220. Aimless Wanderer
  221. Be Careful What You Wish
  222. A strange new world
  223. A'rei Ngoyu
  224. The Song Introduction
  225. Stranger
  226. Eliad Drilken
  227. Elias Archesied
  228. Yutaji, The Flesh Mage
  229. The Masquerade
  230. Die Sieben (The Seven)
  231. Sceadu, J and K
  232. A Child Named Azza.
  233. Enter an Imp
  234. 15 year old Elven archer
  235. Reginald
  236. ChillGleam
  237. A Composition of Insanity
  238. A fully functioning mecha pilot.
  239. of cats and spirits
  240. Redefining Bullheadedness...
  241. Lupercalida!
  242. I’m The Artist Depicting Your Death
  243. Aryr de Morte
  244. Jaleco Divineth
  245. Adelia Dike Veritas
  246. Gorath the Strong!
  247. This is not the greatest character in the world... its just a TRIBUTE
  248. A snow lotus
  249. Fish.
  250. Nalya Sel'nas